I'm trying to verify that a directory exists using Fortan90. On various sites I found:
logical :: dir_e
inquire(file='./docs/.', exist=dir_e)
if ( dir_e ) then
write(*,*) "dir exists!"
! workaround: it calls an extern program...
call system('mkdir docs')
end if
However, inquire
returns False
whether or not the directory exists and if I execute this code twice, I get an error message
cannot make dir, file already exists
If I use:
inquire(file='./docs/test', exist=dir_e)
with an existing file test, inquire
returns true
How can I check for the existence of a directory? I am using ubuntu 11.04 and the ifort compiler.
The following should work:
INQUIRE (DIRECTORY=dir, EXIST=ex [, DIRSPEC=dirspec] [, ERR=label] [, IOSTAT=i-var] )
I don't have ifort on this machine so I can't test it.
Addendum: The code posted originally works with gfortran. The DIRECTORY
statement works with ifort but not with gfortran.
And in case for more information check: http://software.intel.com/sites/products/documentation/hpc/compilerpro/en-us/fortran/win/compiler_f/lref_for/source_files/rfinquir.htm#rfinquir