I have a plain text file with words, which are separated by comma, for example:
word1, word2, word3, word2, word4, word5, word 3, word6, word7, word3
i want to delete the duplicates and to become:
word1, word2, word3, word4, word5, word6, word7
Any Ideas? I think, egrep can help me, but i'm not sure, how to use it exactly....
Assuming that the words are one per line, and the file is already sorted:
uniq filename
If the file's not sorted:
sort filename | uniq
If they're not one per line, and you don't mind them being one per line:
tr -s [:space:] \\n < filename | sort | uniq
That doesn't remove punctuation, though, so maybe you want:
tr -s [:space:][:punct:] \\n < filename | sort | uniq
But that removes the hyphen from hyphenated words. "man tr" for more options.