I've been attempting to use phpactiverecord for a project.. and I'm struggling to see if I can actually pass a mysql function through any of its native updating methods. I'm a little surprised I couldn't find an answer to this question anywhere else =P.
After a year of using the framework, a simple answer is to simply do:
$object->date = 'now'
If I understand correctly you want to call NOW()
to update a timestamp field. There are several options.
use an "updated_at" field: http://www.phpactiverecord.org/projects/main/wiki/Utilities#automatic-timestamps
Models with fields named created_at and updated_at will have those fields automatically updated upon model creation and model updates.
Do some sort of update on a callback: http://www.phpactiverecord.org/projects/main/wiki/Callbacks
Simply update it using a php function manually
$obj->yourDateField = new \DateTime();