I'm attempting to obtain an access token for Microsoft's Translator API, and it's been quite a struggle. I first tried to write the request with Ruby and HTTParty, but it wasn't accepting my parameters. Microsoft provided an example in PHP, so I figured I could just use that:
The code was copied directly from the Microsoft website--I just added in my variables and called the function at the end:
* Get the access token.
* @param string $grantType Grant type.
* @param string $scopeUrl Application Scope URL.
* @param string $clientID Application client ID.
* @param string $clientSecret Application client ID.
* @param string $authUrl Oauth Url.
* @return string.
function getTokens($grantType, $scopeUrl, $clientID, $clientSecret, $authUrl){
try {
//Initialize the Curl Session.
$ch = curl_init();
//Create the request Array.
$paramArr = array (
'grant_type' => $grantType,
'scope' => $scopeUrl,
'client_id' => $clientID,
'client_secret' => $clientSecret
//Create an Http Query.//
$paramArr = http_build_query($paramArr);
//Set the Curl URL.
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $authUrl);
//Set HTTP POST Request.
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE);
//Set data to POST in HTTP "POST" Operation.
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $paramArr);
//CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER- TRUE to return the transfer as a string of the return value of curl_exec().
//CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER- Set FALSE to stop cURL from verifying the peer's certificate.
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
//Execute the cURL session.
$strResponse = curl_exec($ch);
//Get the Error Code returned by Curl.
$curlErrno = curl_errno($ch);
$curlError = curl_error($ch);
throw new Exception($curlError);
//Close the Curl Session.
//Decode the returned JSON string.
$objResponse = json_decode($strResponse);
if ($objResponse->error){
throw new Exception($objResponse->error_description);
$finalresponse = $objResponse->access_token;
return $finalresponse;
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "Exception-".$e->getMessage();
$grant = "client_credentials"
$scope = "http://api.microsofttranslator.com";
$secret = "8Bo0SET1W8lmDgfV/l7FLEKUWRDXCEZrvTgv9tSH3Bs=";
$client = "globalchatapp"
$auth = "https://datamarket.accesscontrol.windows.net/v2/OAuth2-13/";
getTokens($grant, $scope, $client, $secret, $auth);
Anyway, when I run this (using PHP 5.3.6) there are no errors; it doesn't return any value. I'm not great with PHP, and it could be something glaringly obvious that I just haven't seen, but I've struggled with it for awhile to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Also, if this helps, here was my original Ruby code. I did receive a response from the server here, saying 'scope' was missing:
require 'httparty'
scope = "http://api.microsofttranslator.com";
secret = "8Bo0SET1W8lmDgfV/l7FLEKUWRDXCEZrvTgv9tSH3Bs=";
auth = "https://datamarket.accesscontrol.windows.net/v2/OAuth2-13/";
client_id = "globalchatapp"
grant_type = "client_credentials"
response = HTTParty.post("https://datamarket.accesscontrol.windows.net/v2/OAuth2-13/?&scope=#{scope}&secret=#{secret}&client_id=#{client_id}&grant_type=#{grant_type}", :body => {:key => :value})
puts response
Thanks again!
Store the value returned by getTokens()
in a variable and pass it to urldecode()
to decode the %2F
and other encoded characters.
$tokens = getTokens($grant, $scope, $client, $secret, $auth);
echo urldecode($tokens);