I have the following Problem:
I have a JTable which shows me the progress of a command. I have 2 sort of commands. Determined and indetermined commands.
If i only have indetermined progressbars in the table the progress is shown correct. but if i have one determined progressbars in it, the other indetermined wont be animated.
Here is my code:
class ProgressBarRenderer implements TableCellRenderer {
/** The bar. */
private JProgressBar bar = new JProgressBar() {
public boolean isDisplayable() {
return true;
public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
ProgressBarInfo pbi = (ProgressBarInfo) value;
if (pbi.getType() == Progress.LS) {
if (pbi.getValue() == -1) {
bar.setString("Progress ended");
} else {
bar.setString(pbi.getValue() + " " + pbi.getText());
return bar;
} else if (pbi.getType() == Progress.SCP) {
if (pbi.getValue() == -1) {
bar.setString("Progress ended");
} else {
bar.setString(pbi.getValue() + "% " + pbi.getText());
return bar;
The Table is updated every 10 milliseconds by a swingworker thread, so don't mind about that.
The internal state of the progressBar (determinate vs. indeterminate) is very different - switching between them on the same instance might be the reason. Try to use one instance for each
public class MyRenderer ....
JProgressBar determinate;
JProgressBar indeterminate;
public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(...) {
if (value.isDeterminate) {
return determinate;
return undeterminate
checked: it is working, though might look a bit weird with many indeterminate cells which are animated "in step". Just beware: the internal - in the ui delegate - animation state is undocumented, so there might be LAFs where it doesn't work at all (f.i. Substance, afair).