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Github API - create branch?

Seems like it's missing from the "Repos" docs for v1, v2, and do I create a branch using the Github API?


  • The V3 API mentions branches in its reference page

    The ref in the URL must be formatted as heads/branch, not just branch.
    For example, the call to get the data for a branch named sc/featureA would be:

    GET /repos/:user/:repo/git/refs/heads/sc/featureA

    Create a Reference

    POST /repos/:user/:repo/git/refs



    String of the name of the fully qualified reference (ie: refs/heads/master). If it doesn’t start with ‘refs’ and have at least two slashes, it will be rejected.


    String of the SHA1 value to set this reference to

    So it should be possible to create a new branch, by naming a new '/heads' in the ref parameter.

    Potherca points out to a working test, using the service of (which makes HTTP requests)

    • Find the revision you want to branch from.
      Either on Github itself or by doing a GET request from Hurl:<AUTHOR>/<REPO>/git/refs/heads

    • Copy the revision hash

    • Do a POST request from Hurl to<AUTHOR>/<REPO>/git/refs with the following as the POST body :

            "ref": "refs/heads/<NEW-BRANCH-NAME>",
            "sha": "<HASH-TO-BRANCH-FROM>"

      (obviously replacing the <NEW-BRANCH-NAME> with the name your want the new branch to have and the <HASH-TO-BRANCH-FROM> with, you know, the hash of the revision you want to branch from)

      You will need to use HTTP basic and fill in your Github credentials to access the Github API.

    • Press the Send button and your branch will be created!

    In 2022, you can also use gh api

    gh api \
      --method POST \
      -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
      /repos/OWNER/REPO/git/refs \
      -f ref='refs/heads/featureA'
     -f sha='aa218f56b14c9653891f9e74264a383fa43fefbd'