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Multithreaded Single Producer Multiple Consumer Implementation

I would like to implement a Multiple file downloading with pattern of single producer and multiple consumer.

What I have: - Code which finds new links to be downloaded in a loop - When a new link is found - it calls download function - Download function accepts source file path and destination file path and downloads the file.

What I want to do - I want to download X number of files simultaneously (I dont know total number of files) - At any times I should be able to download X files simultaneously - as soon as 1 of the X file finish downloading - the calling function should be able to add new download right away - which in turn downloading right away

  • So I have a producer function which keeps adding new download to queue (at any time maximum X downloads)
  • Multiple X thread which consumes the downloads and start downloading individually. Once it finishes download - the producer should be able to add new download - which will spawn new thread.

EXAMPLE would be really appreciated


  • ReaderWriterLockSlim class is designed to do that.

    Also, check this brilliant website about threading:

    The example comes from the website above.

    class SlimDemo
      static ReaderWriterLockSlim _rw = new ReaderWriterLockSlim();
      static List<int> _items = new List<int>();
      static Random _rand = new Random();
      static void Main()
        new Thread (Read).Start();
        new Thread (Read).Start();
        new Thread (Read).Start();
        new Thread (Write).Start ("A");
        new Thread (Write).Start ("B");
      static void Read()
        while (true)
          foreach (int i in _items) Thread.Sleep (10);
      static void Write (object threadID)
        while (true)
          int newNumber = GetRandNum (100);
          _items.Add (newNumber);
          Console.WriteLine ("Thread " + threadID + " added " + newNumber);
          Thread.Sleep (100);
      static int GetRandNum (int max) { lock (_rand) return _rand.Next(max); }