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Layar Development : First Tutorial Issues

Good Evening Stackoverflow Lords & Ladies,

I am attempting to develop a Layar layer to use at my work but I'm having some difficulties right out of the gate. Here's the scenario

I have downloaded the Sample Code that Layar provides for the tutorial, Here's the link

Now I have not modified ANY of this code.

I have set up a database with the name of joejoz_layar In that database, I have imported the included .SQL file and THAT creates TWO tables, Layer & POI.

Now I just want to see how this thing is connecting and what the output looks like, so I upload all the included files to my server, and travel to firstTutorial_simplified.php on my box.

This is the error I get:

Message: layerName parameter is not passed in GetPOI request. Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at firstTutorial_simplified.php:64) in firstTutorial_simplified.php on line 225 {"layer":null,"hotspots":[],"errorCode":20,"errorString":"No POI found. Please adjust the range."}

Now the SQL import does include ONE POI so I'm really confused on what I'm doing wrong here. Here's the that I modified:

  define('DBHOST', 'localhost');
  define('DBDATA', 'joejoz_layar');
  define('DBUSER', 'joejo_layar01');
  define('DBPASS', 'XXXXXXXXX');

I've try to find the answer elsewhere only to run into stuff in Swedish... which I don't speak. Can someone NOT related to the Swedish Chef help me?


  • It looks to me as your not passing all the required values to $_GET

    eg: $_GET['layerName'], $_GET['lat'], $_GET['lon'] and $_GET['radius']

    keys must match the key/value array that your sending to getRequestParams($keys); line 191,

    Line 56 in firstTutorial_simplified.php matches $keys with isset($_GET[$key]) thus invoking the exception on line 59 if ones missing.

    This is an API that returns a json string but you need to pass parameters


    Visiting the script directly will invoke errors as there is no checks

    so really you just need todo some isset() checks else not run the code.