How can I remove "------" from rendered choices? I use in my model form:
widgets = {
'event_form': forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple(),
In model I have IntegerField with choices:
(1, _(u'aaaa')),
(2, _(u'bbbb')),
(3, _(cccc')),
(4, _(u'dddd')),
(5, _(eeee'))
rendered choices contain --------- as first possible choice. How I can get rid of it?
EDIT: The only working way i figured out is (in init method):
tmp_choices = self.fields['event_form'].choices
del tmp_choices[0]
self.fields['event_form'].choices = tmp_choices
but it's not very elegant way :)
Django is including the blank choice because the field doesn't have a default value.
If you set a default value in your model, then Django will not include the blank choice.
class MyModel(models.Model):
event_form = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(choices=EVENT_FORM_CHOICES, default=1)
If you don't want to set a default value in your model, then you can explicitly declare the field and choices in the model form, or change the choices in the model form's __init__