class MyClass(functions: Seq[Function1[Array[_], Unit]) {
def foo(parametersForEachFunction: Seq[Array[_]]) {
assert(functions.size == parametersForEachFunction.size)
for ((function, parameter) <- functions zip parametersForEachFunction) {
// Assume each parameter is suitable for the funcition
// What type parameter I should wrote in asInstanceOf?
function(parameter.asInstanceOf[ ?????? ])
I know an asInstanceOf
is required here, but I don't know what type parameter I should wrote in asInstanceOf.
If you have to cast, you are doing it wrong. Whenever you think you should cast something, rollback and try something else. There are exceptions -- if the documentation of something explicitly tell you to cast, well, you have to cast. But don't count on you have such an exception: you probably don't.
As in this case.
scala> class MyClass(functions: Seq[Function1[Array[_], Unit]]) {
| def foo(parametersForEachFunction: Seq[Array[_]]) {
| assert(functions.size == parametersForEachFunction.size)
| for ((function, parameter) <- functions zip parametersForEachFunction) {
| function(parameter)
| }
| }
| }
defined class MyClass