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Is it possible to change the Hybrid maptype as an StyledMapType?

I was wondering if you could change the features of the hybrid maptype like you can do on a styledmaptype. I ask this because i want to show the satellite map (or changed hybrid map) with only country borders, no roads citynames etc.

Thanks in advance!


  • You may observe the event maptypeid_changed of the map.

    Check the current mapTypeId by using getMapTypeId() and if it is equal to google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID apply the following style to the map by using map.setOptions()

        featureType: "all",
        elementType: "labels",//hides all labels
        stylers: [
          { visibility:'off' }
        featureType: "road",//hides the roads
        stylers: [
          { visibility:'off' }

    When the mapTypeId is not google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID apply the same style, but set both visibility-stylers to on

    In the end it may look like this:

    google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'maptypeid_changed', function() {
      var onoff=(this.getMapTypeId()==google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID)
                                featureType: "all",
                                elementType: "labels",
                                stylers: [{ visibility:onoff }]
                                featureType: "road",
                                stylers: [{ visibility:onoff}]}