How to use rake with I tried to write in database.yml such text:
adapter: dbf
database: db/file.dbf
pool: 5
timeout: 5000
But it say, that didn't find adapter activerecord-dbf-adapter.
I need only read dbf-files.
PS. I can't use JDBC adapter.
I want to use dbf database such as another dabases (e.g. mysql) in rails with support ActiveRecord
I think you want to use dbf with ActiveRecord, but that it's not what this gem does. It just provides the ability to read dbf files from Ruby.
To use it in your application you could write a class that would implement all the common methods you want and inherit from there, something like:
require 'dbf'
class DbfModel
def initialize
def find your_params_here
@table.find your_params_here
If do you want to use dbf with ActiveRecord you should find some adapter for it, but I haven't been lucky looking for it.