I am attempting to package and sign a BlackBerry webworks application from within the Ripple emulator (I've also tried this with bbwp).
Packaging works fine, but signing returns the really helpful error message [ERROR] Signing failed
I have installed the three csi files using SignatureTool (java -jar SignatureTool.jar client-Rxx-xxx.csi).
I've tried running bbwp in verbose mode, and it was as unhelpful.
No errors.
[INFO] Starting signing tool
[ERROR] Signing failed
Have I missed out a step?
What are the possible causes for this error?
I have managed to get package & sign working on the command line using bbwp. I'm not sure why it's working this way, and also why it's still not working in Ripple.
java -jar SignatureTool.jar ~/BB/client-RBB-xxx.csi
./bbwp ~/BB/Testy.zip -g -v -o ~/BB/output
with Testy.zip being the package produced by Ripple.