I'm trying to use Zend_translate in a situation where I have to inject a variable value into the resulting string and have the string respect plural form. Using the regular (non-plural) view helper $this->translate() in a view script I can inject a variable into the string:
$this->translate('You have %1$s questions to answer', 3)
// would result in "You have 3 questions to answer" being output
But how do I do this when using what Zend calls the modern way of plural notation? Apparently the $this->translate() view helper itself does not support the plural notation, instead I have to call
array('You have %1$s question to answer',
'You have %1$s questions to answer', $someNr )
But at that point I only have the plural string with the variable placeholder, I don't have the string with an injected value. In other words, what I'm getting is:
You have %1$s questions to answer
What I want is
You have 2 questions to answer
So the question is, does Zend_Translate somehow support this way of using plural? I.e. inject a variable value into the pluralized string? Or do I have to go with splitting up the string before and after the plural form, translate each separately and then concatenate at output?
In the controller (or elsewhere):
$translate = new Zend_Translate (array (
'adapter' => 'Zend_Translate_Adapter_Array',
'content' => array (
'test' => 'You have %1$s %2$s to answer'
'locale' => 'en'
In the view:
$x = 1;
echo $this->translate ('test', $x, $this->translate (array (
But you probably want to have a look at http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.translate.plurals.html for a more intelligent way to do this.