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Android : Not Getting Unique Device_id on Samsung Galaxy Tab

When I try to get device_id of my Samsung Galaxy Tab GT-P1010, It returns null value. I 'm using device_id for identify unique device in my database.

I am using following code for this:

String device_id;

TelephonyManager telephonyManager = (TelephonyManager)getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);

device_id = telephonyManager.getDeviceId();

Here I'm getting string device_id null.. This code is working fine for my all other device, HTC, LG, Google NExxus ICS etc..

Please give me solution for it ASAP.

Thanks, Jay Patel


  • If your requirement is only to generate unique identification of device, you can use the below code:

    UUID id=UUID.randomUUID();
    //store this in shared pref     
    String device_id=id.toString();
    //later fetch it from share pref
    UUID Id=UUID.fromString(device_id);

    This is the standard way of recognising the device according to RFC4122