I am trying to create two little buttons with an up and down arrow, and sort my Products based on that. I have a model called Product, and am using acts_as_list to keep track of position.
Do I do something like this in my controller to create the routes?
resources :products
post "products/move_up"
post "products/move_down"
and in my products controller
def move_up
def move_down
and in my view
<%= link_to "UP", products_move_up_path(product) %>
<%= link_to "Down", products_move_down_path(product) %>
But I'm not doing something right. I keep getting the error
Couldn't find Product with id=move_up
Can anyone help me create this route relationship?
EDIT: Now I am getting the error
You have a nil object when you didn't expect it! You might have expected an instance of Array. The error occurred while evaluating nil.find
Here is some more code
View Code
<% item.children.each do |child| %>
<li id='category_<%=child.id %>'>
<span><%= child.name %></span>
<% child.products.position.each do |product| %>
<br /><%= link_to "UP", move_up_product_path(product), method: :put %> |
<%= link_to "Down", move_down_product_path(product), method: :put %> ----------<%= product.position %>
<%= product.name %>
<%= link_to 'Edit', edit_product_path(product) %>
<%= link_to 'Delete', product, :method => :delete, :confirm => "Are you sure you want to delete this product?" %> <br />
<% end %>
<%= render 'shared/children', :item => child unless child.leaf? %>
<% end %> <br />
The code it seems to be hanging up on is here
def move_up
#Need to add a before filter to find product so I don't have to keep doing it.
When it executes the find. Thanks!
So 'Up' and 'Down' are really more of an update, so you'd want to use 'PUT', but also, your not defining your routes correctly. Try this:
resources :products do
member do
put :move_up
put :move_down
Which should create the routes that you are looking for.
Also, your links need to perform a :put, instead of a :get which is the default action for a link. Try this:
<%= link_to "UP", move_up_product_path(product), method: :put %>
That should work for you, to check your routes you can always run rake routes
Hope this helps, just accept/up vote if it does!