im using extjs4 with dwr3 to upload a file
this is all i have in my form
{xtype: 'fileuploadfield',
name: 'file',
fieldLabel: 'Archivo',
allowBlank: false,
buttonText: 'Seleccionar...'
}, {
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Cargar',
action: 'cargarArchivo'
when i click the button (labeled Cargar) it submits the file and stays in the same page, so far so good. Problem is, when i choose another file, the text in the field stays the same instead of showing the new file chosen
this is what i have in my controller:
init: function() {
'NciImport button[action=cargarArchivo]': {
click: this.cargaArchivo
cargaArchivo : function (button){
clickedButton = button;
bsNciNiv.cargaArchivoNci(dwr.util.getValue('file'), function(x,y,z){
clickedButton.up('form').down('fileuploadfield').createFileInput(); // funny solution
The bsNciNiv.cargaArchivoNci part is my DWR service
the line i commented as funny solution kind of works, after adding it the rest works as expected, but i really dont think it is the right solution, just added it as a hint in case its useful
can anyone confirm if this is a bug or if theres a way to fix this? thanks
(btw not sure if this has anything to do with dwr3, but i tagged it anyway)
My guess is that this component was not designed to upload multiple files (in series). The issue you are seeing is probably due to this hidden element not getting cleared:!/api/Ext.form.field.File-property-fileInputEl
You can probably file this as a bug with Sencha although they might consider it a feature :)