I'm trying to view all commands that I've entered into the unix environment in my Git Bash.
So I'm not trying to view the list of possible commands for Git Hub. Neither am I trying to view the logs for pushes and pulls.
I just want to view what I entered in the command line. This is because I recently encountered a connection problem in which I couldn't push or pull from my git. It just happened suddenly. One minute ago, I was still pushing and pulling perfectly.
Then, someone helped me to resolve it via the command prompt in git bash.
Right now, my friend has the same problem. So I'm looking for the command logs in hopes that it will solve his problem too.
Write failed: Broken pipe fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly.
You can do this with cat $HISTFILE
Bash by default stores the last 500 commands in a history file, most likely called ~/.bash_history. This file is in the variable $HISTFILE (and the size is in $HISTFILESIZE). You can get the path to the history file with echo $HISTFILE