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smartgwt beginner- error when trying to compile project using Smart GWT

I have followed the instructions at and tried to create a simple screen that uses Smart GWT.

I have also combined this with a popup window that is basically to allow the user to sign in via Oauth- it is invoked with a single line of code from the main window of browser.

When I try to build this project in Eclipse, I am getting the following errors---


 Internal validation error               java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
ISC_DataBinding.js  /Spark Crawler/WebContent/  line 0  JavaScript Problem

Given below is a list of errors that were occurring previously, these got eliminated by going to Project Preferences->Validation-> Disabling XML validation. (These were part of the original question- I have updated this question now that I have resolved the problems due to the below errors myself...)

Description     Resource    Path    Location    Type

Content is not allowed in prolog.       DBListDS.ds.xml /Spark Crawler/WebContent/   line 1  XML 
Content is not allowed in prolog.       DBSchema.ds.xml /Spark Crawler/WebContent/   line 1  XML 
Content is not allowed in prolog.       DataSource.ds.xml   /Spark Crawler/WebContent/   line 1  XML 
Content is not allowed in prolog.       DataSourceField.ds.xml  /Spark Crawler/WebContent/   line 1  XML 
Content is not allowed in prolog.       DataSourceStore.ds.xml  /Spark Crawler/WebContent/   line 1  XML 
Content is not allowed in prolog.       JVMClassTreeDS.ds.xml   /Spark Crawler/WebContent/   line 1  XML 
Content is not allowed in prolog.       QuartzJobs.ds.xml   /Spark Crawler/WebContent/   line 1  XML 
Content is not allowed in prolog.       QuartzScheduler.ds.xml  /Spark Crawler/WebContent/   line 1  XML 
Content is not allowed in prolog.       QuartzTriggers.ds.xml   /Spark Crawler/WebContent/   line 1  XML 
Content is not allowed in prolog.       SchemaSet.ds.xml    /Spark Crawler/WebContent/   line 1  XML 
Content is not allowed in prolog.     SimpleType.ds.xml /Spark Crawler/WebContent/   line 1  XML 
Content is not allowed in prolog.       Validator.ds.xml    /Spark     
 Crawler/WebContent/ line 1  XML 
Content is not allowed in prolog.       WSDLMessage.ds.xml  /Spark Crawler/WebContent/   line 1  XML
Content is not allowed in prolog.       WSOperationHeader.ds.xml    /Spark Crawler/WebContent/   line 1  XML 
Content is not allowed in prolog.       WebService.ds.xml   /Spark Crawler/WebContent/   line 1  XML 
Content is not allowed in prolog.       WebServiceOperation.ds.xml  /Spark Crawler/WebContent/   line 1  XML 
Content is not allowed in prolog.       XSComplexType.ds.xml    /Spark Crawler/WebContent/   line 1  XML 
Content is not allowed in prolog.       XSElement.ds.xml    /Spark Crawler/WebContent/   line 1  XML   

What am I doing wrong here?


  • Make sure you are compiling the code as a GWT application and not as a pure Java one. To do so you have two options. Either compile your app and use an external web server or run/debug your application through the embedded to Eclipse Jetty web server. For the former, just look at your toolbar and locate a blue g button. Click its arrow marker and select the GWT Compile Project option. Finally, just copy the project's war directory, after the successful compilation to the server's service directory. For the latter, right click on the project and select the Run/Debug As -> Web Application option. Then you will be provided with a link that you can copy paste in a browser and test your application.