I have a micro instance with Ubuntu 11.10 as the OS. I would like to create a Large/Small instance based on my micro instance.
Is that OK to create an image from the micro instance and to use it to launch the Large/Small instances?
And will it be OK to create the image while the instance is still running?
Thank you!
Is that OK to create an image from the micro instance and to use it to launch the Large/Small instances?
Yes It's alright. We do it. Servers running for years. No problem. (:
And will it be OK to create the image while the instance is still running?
Yes. I always take caution to stop processes, delete unrequired, temp files, log files just to avoid these stuffs go into image. But anyways, it does not matter a-lot. Your system will halt/reboot once, I guess, while creating the AMI.