I've added some UIImageView
dynamically and filled it with different images, what I am trying to do is "Allow user to set position for any UIImageView
", for that I used
-(void) touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
//Here I want the object of particular UIImageView on which user touched.
In that method I'm doing,
NSLog(@"%@",[touches anyObject]);
It returns output
<UITouch: 0x68b95e0> phase: Began tap count: 1 window: <UIWindow: 0x68875d0; frame = (0 0; 320 480); layer = <UIWindowLayer: 0x68b6470>> view: <UIImageView: 0x6a74cf0; frame = (83.7763 83.7763; 182.447 182.447); transform = [0.968912, -0.247404, 0.247404, 0.968912, 0, 0]; alpha = 0.8; opaque = NO; tag = 3; layer = <CALayer: 0x6a74980>> location in window: {161, 230} previous location in window: {161, 230} location in view: {52.7761, 105.448} previous location in view: {52.7761, 105.448}
Note, in above output, it showing my UIImageView
object on which I touched. But I want that object from it!!!
I want my UIImageView
on which user touched?, I have already set property userInteractionEnabled=YES
so the problem isn't with it!
I used below code to get it so, but it wont work.
NSInteger tag=[[[touches anyObject] view] tag]; //It only returns tag of UIView tag
I Google it but doesn't come with solution!
Thank you in advance for any help!
-(void) touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
UITouch *touch=[touches anyObject];
if([[touch valueForKey:@"view"] isKindOfClass:[UIImageView class]])
UIImageView *viewSelected=(UIImageView *)[touch valueForKey:@"view"]; //it returns touched object
//for further differences can user viewSelected.tag