I am new in Ext js. I started Ext js with ext designer 1.2 now I use sencha designer 2.0, I created panel and button on it, and window. Now I want to use click event to show my window on click but I do not know how, I searched in many sites and especially in sencha.com but I could not find, I can show new window by creating it onclik function but I want to show existing one, if anyone knows could you please tell me how. I am interested in controllers in secha designer.
How to do it without controllers on directly inserting code in onclickbutton function?
Here is what I have done for this use case:
* Check to see if window already open with the specified ID.
* If window exists, bring it to front and expand if collapsed.
* @param id
windowAlreadyOpen: function(id){
//Check for already opened window with the same ID
var windowOpen = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('window[id='+id+']'); //always returns array
if (windowOpen && windowOpen[0]){
try {
windowOpen[0].toFront(); //bring to front
if (windowOpen[0].collapsed){
windowOpen[0].toggleCollapse(); //expand window if collapsed
} catch (e) {
return windowOpen[0];
return false;