I just started using SciTE and I really like it, but at the moment I'm having a bit of a problem.
When I make a simple "hello world" with just one file everything works just fine. But when I start to add other files I get problems linking causing undefined references.
g++ $(ccopts) -c $(FileNameExt) -o $(FileName).o
That's the command in my cpp.properties. Everything is at the default.
I have main.cpp and an a.cpp and a.h.
How can I configure this to account for multiple files?
To compile multiple file do this
g++ main.cpp -o main.o
g++ a.cpp -o a.o
g++ main.o a.o -o program
then run with
I simple make file might look like
all: program
program: main.o a.o
$(CC) $< -o $@
%.o: %.cpp
$(CC) $< -o $@