Hi I am trying to use BY GROUP statement in SAS to generate multiple graphs. I want to print each graph to an individual file named after BY GROUP varaible value, plus I want to add a footnote to each graph where I want add text "This graph is 2300-01" to graph 1 and the want to increment it by 1 for next graph to "This graph is 2300-02" and so on.
goptions reset=all border;
data grainldr;
length country $ 3 type $ 5;
input year country $ type $ amount;
1995 BRZ Wheat 1516
1995 BRZ Rice 11236
1995 BRZ Corn 36276
1995 CHN Wheat 102207
1995 CHN Rice 185226
1995 CHN Corn 112331
1995 INS Wheat .
1995 INS Rice 49860
1995 INS Corn 8223
1995 USA Wheat 59494
1995 USA Rice 7888
1995 USA Corn 187300
proc sort data=grainldr out=temp;
by country;
proc sgplot data=temp (where=(megtons gt 31));
by country;
series x=type y= amount;
series x=type y=megtons;
title "Leading #byval(country) Producers"
j=c "1995 and 1996";
footnote1 j=r "This graph is 2300-&XY.";
If you had a BY variable in your data set you could use it. For example, if you had a variable called CID (country id), and it had values "01", "02" etc, you could then do something like this:
proc sort data=grainldr out=temp;
by country cid;
footnote1 j=r "This graph is 2300-#byval2";
proc sgplot data=temp (where=(megtons gt 31));
by country cid;
In this case #BYVAL2 refers to the value of the second BY variable, i.e. CID