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Using Delayed Job on getting geocords with gmaps4rails

I am looking at using the gem google maps for rails but cant see how I can use delayed_job to get the cords after creating a new record.

Has anyone come across this gem before with using delayed_job

Hope someone can advise.


  • Alright, I'm not sure how much you know about Delayed Job, so I'll start there.

    Delayed job can utilize any class that responds to '#perform', so the first thing you need is a class for getting the coordinates and storing them in your model.

    class GoogleMapsCoordinateService
      def perform(record)
        coords = Gmaps4rails.geocode(record.address) #This is the method that will actually return a hash of coordinates for each match it finds.
        record.update_attributes(:lattitude => coords[0][:lat], :longitude => coords[0][:lng])

    Then you just need to enqueue that job in an after_create hook in the model

    class INSERTYOURMODELNAMEHERE < ActiveRecord::Base
      after_create :get_coordinates
      def get_coordinates

    So that way, after each record is created, you will queue up the grabbing of the coordinates in the background while keeping your response time snappy.