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Get register length/size?

I need your help :/

I have a register that points to one memory address, like this:


And, this address(00123456), contains a RANDOM string, like: "Hello, this is a string".

I need to get the length/size of the string and compare, if the string length are most than 10, the string need to be cleaned.

Can anyone help me?

NOTE: I'm writing this asm code direct in executable using OllyDbg, so, procedures in MASM, TASM, NASM, etc, will not work.


  • you can use REPNE SCAS, this is what intrinsic strlen uses. else you can use a simple function like this (assumes the input is in EAX):

    strlen:     /$LEA EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+1]
    loop:       |/>MOV CL,BYTE PTR DS:[EAX]
                ||INC EAX
                ||TEST CL,CL
                |\JNZ SHORT loop
                |SUB EAX,EDX

    But it would be wise to check if the binary you are modifying doesn't already have a strlen function.

    When thats done, you can do the size checks and possible zero'ing, so you'd probably end with something looking like:

    PUSHAD ;save all registers
    MOV EAX,ESI ;setup the call for strlen (as defined above)
    CALL strlen ;get the length of the string, strlen would be the address of the func above
    CMP ECX,0A ;check if the string needs to be cleared
    JL L1
    MOV EDI,ESI ;set the dest register to the string
    REP STOS BYTE PTR [EDI] ;clear the string, alternatively MOV BYTE PTR [ESI],0
    POPAD ;restore all registers

    (depending where you hook you may also need to preserve the EFLAGS as well)