I am in the process of learnig objective-c and programming an iPad app. One thing I keep tripping myself up on and having to re-read is memory management. I am getting there...slowly. Basic rules such as for every alloc
/ retain
you must have a release
is useful. However, one relatively basic thing eludes me and I wonder if someone could explain...
Take the following code...
NSArray *myArray = [[NSArray alloc] init];
myArray = [someNSSet allObjects];
This is relatively straight forward coding and would require a [myArray release]
However, I keep seeing examples of (and indeed, I have used extensively the following 'short cut'...
NSArray *myArray = (NSArray *)[someNSSet allObjects];
How, as far as I understand when you use the (NSString *)
you dont need to use a [myArray release]
statement, but I dont understand why.
Could someone possible explain?
In the first line:
NSArray *myArray = [[NSArray alloc] init]
some amount of memory is allocated for an array (actually in this case it is senseless since the size of the array is 0. Keep in mind that NSArray is immutable!). The variable myArray holds the address of the first byte of the reserved memory area.
Now in the second line you change the value of myArray which now will point to the first byte of the memory area where [someNSSet allObjects] is stored. At this moment you do not know any more where the array is stored what you've created in the first line. And so you have a leak.
The line:
NSArray *myArray = (NSArray *)[someNSSet allObjects];
is correct, since you do not reserve any memory at this point. If you are not using ARC you might call retain in order to keep GC away from the referenced block of memory. In other way you might receive a BAD_EXEC when the owner of the object releases it and you try to access it through e.g.: [myArray objectAtIndex:0]