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strncpy introduces funny character

When I run some code on my machine then it behaves as I expect it to.

When I run it on a colleagues it misbehaves. This is what happens.

I have a string with a value of:


when I do a strncpy on the string providing 18 as the length my copied string has a value of:


If I do the following

puts (myCopiedString);

Then the value of the copied string is:


What could be causing this problem and why does it get resolved by setting the last char to \0?


  • According to

    char * strncpy ( char * destination, const char * source, size_t num );
    Copy characters from string

    Copies the first num characters of source to destination. If the end of the source C string (which is signaled by a null-character) is found before num characters have been copied, destination is padded with zeros until a total of num characters have been written to it. No null-character is implicitly appended to the end of destination, so destination will only be null-terminated if the length of the C string in source is less than num.

    Thus, you need to manually terminate your destination with '\0'.