I am running Lazarus 0.9.30.
I have a standard TStringGrid on a form and have a function that dynamically adds TGridColumns objects to it at run time. I have a collection of objects that contain all the attributes of each column (that I read out of a file at run time), and I want to associate each object with its corresponding column header.
I have tried the code below but at run time when I try to access the object behind the column header object, I get a 'nil object returned. I suspect the reason this is occurring is that the grid cell (that holds the column title) is blank, and you can't associate objects with grid cells that are empty.
TTmColumnTitles = class(TTmCollection)
constructor Create;
destructor Destroy; override;
function stGetHint(anIndex : integer) : string;
TTmColumnTitle = class(TTmObject)
FCaption : string;
FCellWidth : integer;
FCellHeight : integer;
FFontOrientation : integer;
FLayout : TTextLayout;
FAlignment : TAlignment;
FHint : string;
procedure vInitialise;
property stCaption : string read FCaption write FCaption;
property iCellWidth : integer read FCellWidth write FCellWidth;
property iCellHeight : integer read FCellHeight write FCellHeight;
property iFontOrientation : integer read FFontOrientation write FFontOrientation;
property Layout : TTextLayout read FLayout write FLayout;
property Alignment : TAlignment read FAlignment write FAlignment;
property stHint : string read FHint write FHint;
constructor Create;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure TTmMainForm.vLoadGridColumnTitles
aGrid : TStringGrid;
aCollection : TTmColumnTitles
GridColumn : TGridColumn;
aColumnTitle : TTmColumnTitle; //Just a pointer!
anIndex1 : integer;
anIndex2 : integer;
for anIndex1 := 0 to aCollection.Count - 1 do
aColumnTitle := TTmColumnTitle(aCollection.Items[anIndex1]);
GridColumn := aGrid.Columns.Add;
GridColumn.Width := aColumnTitle.iCellWidth;
GridColumn.Title.Font.Orientation := aColumnTitle.iFontOrientation;
GridColumn.Title.Layout := aColumnTitle.Layout;
GridColumn.Title.Alignment := aColumnTitle.Alignment;
GridColumn.Title.Caption := aColumnTitle.stCaption;
aGrid.RowHeights[0] := aColumnTitle.iCellHeight;
aGrid.Objects[anIndex1, 0] := aColumnTitle;
end; {for}
Just assigning an object to the Objects
property isn't enough. You have to draw the title caption from that object yourself in an OnDrawCell
event handler, or assign the Cells
property as well.
and you can't associate objects with grid cells that are empty
Yes you can. The string and the object of one cell 'work' independent of each other.
So it should be:
for anIndex2 := 0 to aGrid.ColCount - 1 do
aColumnTitle := aCollection.Items[anIndex2]; // Is aCollection.Count in sync
// with aGrid.ColCount??
aGrid.Cells[anIndex2, 0] := aColumnTitle.Caption;
aGrid.Objects[anIndex2, 0] := aColumnTitle;