I have two projects, project A and project B. Project A is a library project, so it has its own buildfile. I can build jar and everything works fine.
In project B i want to use project A as a workspace dependency in Eclipse. I don't wan't to install project A to local repo each time i make changes in project A. Also when i run buildr eclipse i want it to setup my eclipse project so it adds project A as required project on build path:
<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/A"/>
It should work as:
compile.with project('A')
But my project A is in different buildfile as project B.
Is there a way to setup workspace dependency on project A in buildfile for project B?
There is no practical way to achieve that at this time. Dependencies between different buildfiles cannot be resolved as the projects are organized with a top level for each Buildfile.
If you'd like to take this further, please feel free to file an enhancement request on the Apache buildr bug tracking system and provide a patch. Even just a spec would help a ton.