I'm using RSpec 1 and rspec-rails to test my Rails 2.3.14 application. In this same application, I'm using Draper to provide decorators for my models. I want to be able to test my decorators.
I've got specs in spec/decorators
, but as best as I can tell, because rspec-rails doesn't recognize the decorators/ path, and therefore doesn't wire up any of the extra Rails stuff into the specs.
How do I set up RSpec to recognize my spec/decorators
path, and cause it to include the functionality I need (which is going to be route/helper functionality)?
I notice that RSpec has things like HelperExampleGroup
, ControllerExampleGroup
, etc, and I suspect that these implicitly map to spec/helpers
and spec/controllers
and such, but I'm unclear as to how to leverage this to set up my own DecoratorHelperGroup
I feel like I'm 90% of the way there, but can't quite make that final connection. Examples would be most valuable, but I'll take an abstract, as well.
Solved it. The magic sauce is Spec::Example::ExampleGroupFactory.register
For the record, here's my complete spec/support/decorators.rb
module Spec
module Rails
module Example
class DecoratorExampleGroupController < ApplicationController
attr_reader :template
def view_context
# spec/decorators
class DecoratorExampleGroup < FunctionalExampleGroup
if ActionView::Base.respond_to?(:load_helpers) # Rails 2.0.x
ActionView::Helpers.constants.each do |name|
const = ActionView::Helpers.const_get(name)
include const if name.include?("Helper") && Module === const
elsif ActionView::Base.respond_to?(:helper_modules) # Rails 2.1.x
ActionView::Base.helper_modules.each do |helper_module|
include helper_module
else # Rails 2.2.x
include ActionView::Helpers
tests DecoratorExampleGroupController
class << self
def decorate(options = {})
self.subject { described_class.new(yield, options) }
before :each do
@controller.template.request = @request
Spec::Example::ExampleGroupFactory.register(:decorator, self)
def _assigns_hash_proxy
@_assigns_hash_proxy ||= AssignsHashProxy.new(self) {@response.template}
All this effectively does is register specs under spec/decorators
to operate as view specs (which gets me all the pieces I need). Before each decorator spec, calling #set_current_view_context
on the controller invokes the Draper bits necessary to wire helpers up into my decorators. I also added a decorate
method to use the current described decorator class to decorate an arbitrary object, allowing easy decoration of objects for testing. Mission accomplished!