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how to scan wireless network and display the list of all computers and devices connected

I need to build a tool (c++) very much like "Wireless Network Watcher" which is a small utility that scans your wireless network and displays the list of all computers and devices that are currently connected to your network. here's the existing tool

I need to know what are the win32 sdk functions to use to build this kind of functionality: scan the wireless network I am connected to and display all computers and devices connected to it.


  • ok, it seems is done this way: first sent an ARP request packet to each possible IP address in the network (you calculate them based on the net mask and the interface ip), for this step you can use SendARP functions. Then you have to call getnameinfo for each IP that responded previously, or you can send an NetBios request packet (port 137) to retreive the name of the device, if it has one, or know how to respond to that request. for some networks this can take awhile (very long time).