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Highlight wrapped lines with CSS

Is it possible with CSS(3) to visually/textually highlight line breaks, which were automatically inserted by browsers? Something like at the end of each wrapped line.

With sourcecode it's important to see where lines were wrapped, since newlines can be significant. Letting the user scroll horizontally isn't a good idea either …


  • As far as I know, there is only way to do this using pure CSS, via the :first-line pseudo-element

    Add a "visual indication" to every element, by default.
    Select every :first-line element, to reset the styles.


    <div class="line">Too much code at one line. Learn to write shorter lines!</div>
    <div class="line">Lonely line.</div>


    code {display: block; width: 150px;} /* <-- Not interesting, just for testing*/
    code .line            {  color: red;  /* Visual indication */ }
    code .line:first-line {  color: #000; /* Default color   */ }

    The demo is rendered as (black by default, red as "visual indication"):