Is there a way to build a XPath query that finds a node at a certain position AND with a certain attribute value?
Consider the following sample xml:
<Item Type="Book">
<!--1st Param node in a Book item is always the autors last name-->
<Param Value="Updike" />
<!--2nd Param node in a Book item is always the autors first name-->
<Param Value="John" />
<!--3rd Param node in a Book item is always the book title-->
<Param Value="Toward the End of Time" /></Item>
Now can I build a single query that finds the following:
Find all Item nodes of Type "Book" where the 2nd Param node has a Value of "John". So I would like to find all books where the authors frist name is "John".
Note that I am using .NET XPathDocument.
Note that I am using .NET XPathDocument.
So limited to XPath V1.
You can include (relative and absolute) paths in a predicate. So something like:
//Item[@Type='Book'][./Param[2][@Value = 'John']]
(I would try and avoid "//
", as it requires a search of the whole DOM, but can't provide a better axis without more context.)