Here is the scenario. I have an Oracle consolidated database. I am using Mobilink to synchronize Oracle with a SqlAnywere database that is being used on a handheld. If userA changes a record in the remote DB on their handheld device to "updated first" and then 10 minutes later userB updates the same record on their handheld device to "updated second" I want the consolidated database to always show "updated second" after the two devices are synchronized. Currently if userB synchronizes before userA the consolidated database will read "updated first".
Right now, you are using default conflict resolution in the MobiLink Server, so by default the last synch in wins. You'll need to implement your own conflict resolution scheme to handle this.
This will require two things to happen at the remote database :
1) There will need to be a column in the table at the remote database that synchronizes to the consolidated database that tracks the time that records were updated at the remote site.
2) You will have to trust the system clock at the remote sites. Should people figure out how conflicts are being resolved and they want to make sure their data wins the conflict, there is nothing stopping a user from changing the system time on their remote device to next week, updating their data, changing the system time back and then synchronizing.
At the consolidated, you'll need to implement conflict resolution, which isn’t that hard. As long as your table does not include any blobs, you can write your conflict resolution in the upload_update event for the table. Let’s assume a table at the remote database that looks like :
create table Admin (
admin_id bigint default global autoincrement(1000000) primary key,
data varchar(64) not null,
rem_last_modified timestamp not null default timestamp
Let’s also assume a table at the consolidated that looks very similar, but also has another last modified column to track when rows have changed at the consolidated.
create table Admin (
admin_id bigint default global autoincrement(1000000) primary key,
data varchar(64) not null ,
rem_last_modified timestamp not null default ‘1900-01-01’,
cons_last_modified timestamp default timestamp
Typically, your upload_update event would look something like this :
call ml_add_table_script( 'v1', 'Admin', 'upload_update',
'update Admin set data = {ml},
rem_last_modified = {ml r.rem_last_modified}
where admin_id = {ml r.admin_id}'
Instead, we’ll re-write your upload_update event to call a stored procedure and also pass in the old row values from the remote database.
call ml_add_table_script( 'v1', 'Admin', 'upload_update',
'call admin_upload_update( {ml r.admin_id},
{ml}, {ml r.rem_last_modified},
{ml}, {ml o.rem_last_modified}’
The key to your stored procedure is that we are going to do an update, but the where clause of the update will include both the primary key values AND the old row values from the remote database. If someone has changed the row at the consoliated, this update will update zero rows, and we know a conflict occurs. If it updates a row, then there was no conflict. Your stored procedure will look something like this ( pseudo-SQL below ) :
create procedure admin_upload_update (
@admin_id bigint,
@new_data varchar(64),
@new_rem_lmod timestamp,
@old_data varchar(64),
@old_rem_lmod timestamp
declare @cur_rem_lmod timestamp;
update admin set data = @new_data, rem_last_modified = @new_rem_lmod
where admin_id = @admin_id
and data = @old_data
and rem_last_modified = @old_rem_lmod;
if @@rowcount = 0 then
// conflict !!
select rem_last_modified into @cur_rem_lmod
from admin where admin_id = @admin_id;
if @new_rem_lmod > @cur_rem_lmod then
// update using new_data and new_rem_lmod
// do nothing, current values in cons wins
end if;
end if;
For more information on conflict resolution, see the following section of the v10 docs :
MobiLink - Server Administration
Synchronization Techniques
Handling conflicts