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How do we know that an NFA has a minimum amount of states?

Is there some kind of proof for this? How can we know that the current NFA has the minimum amount?


  • As opposed to DFA minimization, where efficient methods exist to not only determine the size of, but actually compute, the smallest DFA in terms of number of states that describes a given regular language, no such general method is known for determining the size of a smallest NFA. Moreover, unless P=PSPACE, no polynomial-time algorithm exists to compute a minimal NFA to recognize a language, as the following decision problem is PSPACE-complete:

    Given a DFA M that accepts the regular language L, and an integer k, is there an NFA with ≤ k states accepting L?

    (Jiang & Ravikumar 1993).

    There is, however, a simple theorem from Glaister and Shallit that can be used to determine lower bounds on the number of states of a minimal NFA:

    Let L ⊆ Σ* be a regular language and suppose that there exist n pairs P = { (xi, wi) | 1 ≤ in } such that:

    1. xi wiL for 1 ≤ in
    2. xj wiL for 1 ≤ j, in and ji

    Then any NFA accepting L has at least n states.

    See: Ian Glaister and Jeffrey Shallit (1996). "A lower bound technique for the size of nondeterministic finite automata". Information Processing Letters 59 (2), pp. 75–77. DOI:10.1016/0020-0190(96)00095-6.