I recently upgraded Xcode from 3.2 to 4.2. After the upgrade I was having trouble testing my app on an iPhone 3 device because my target's "Build Settings" "Architectures" item was set to armv7. Switching "Architectures" to armv6 fixed the problem.
But this got me thinking that I better make sure I use the correct setting for my App Store version so that my app works for people using an armv6 device.
So is it just a matter of switching my "Project"'s "Build Settings" "Architecture" item to armv6 as well or do I need to do something different?
What settings can I use so that an armv6 device always uses armv6 and also so that an armv7 device always uses armv7? During both testing and for apps that I release to the app store.
To make Xcode generate a binary that works on armv6 and armv7 devices, you should set the following build settings:
You also have to remove armv7 from Required Device Capabilities in the info.plist file.