In Tapestry5, I am having two submit buttons in the form and I want to perform Validation event as well, how can I achieve that ? This is what I am trying to do :
In page.tml
<form t:type="form" t:id="verifyCreateExampleModelForm">
<input class="btsubmit" t:type="submit" t:id="saveAsAwaitingCompletion" >
<input class="btsubmit" t:type="submit" t:id="saveAsCreated">
In page.class
@OnEvent(value = EventConstants.VALIDATE_FORM, component = "verifyCreateExampleModelForm")
private Object validation() {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(modelTypeName)) {
this.isAllowed = false;
@OnEvent(component = "saveAsAwaitingCompletion", value = "selected")
private void onSaveAsAwaitingCompletion() {
@OnEvent(component = "saveAsCreated", value = "selected")
private void onSaveAsCreated() {
As you have observed, the selected
event happens before validation, so you can't put your action handler code into the event handlers for the submit buttons. You can, however, store a status in those methods and perform the actual action in the form event handler:
@OnEvent(component = "saveAsAwaitingCompletion", value = EventConstants.SELECTED)
void saveAsAwaitingCompletionClicked() {
@OnEvent(component = "saveAsCreated", value = EventConstants.SELECTED)
void saveAsCreatedClicked() {
this.action = CREATED;
... //validation logic etc.
@OnEvent(component="verifyCreateExampleModelForm" value = EventConstants.SUCCESS)
void save() {
if (this.action == AWAITING_COMPLETION) {
} else {