I just discovered OmniThreadLibrary & started playing with it. I'm trying to launch, say, no more than 20 tasks max and send the rest of the tasks to queue.
I modified the OmniThreadLibrary's 00_Beep project to do this:
procedure TfrmTestSimple.btnBeepClick(Sender: TObject);
I: Integer;
with OmniEventMonitor do
for I := 1 to TASKS_COUNT do
Monitor(CreateTask(Beep, 'Beep-' + IntToStr(I))).Schedule;
procedure TfrmTestSimple.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
GlobalOmniThreadPool.MaxExecuting := 20;
GlobalOmniThreadPool.MaxQueued := 0;
It works but if I increase the # of tasks (ie. TASKS_COUNT) to, say, 7000, I get an exception:
TOmniCommunicationEndpoint.Send: Queue is full
I read whatever I could find (OTL blog and forums, sample projects, googled a lot, etc...), it seems that to prevent this, I must empty the queue periodically.
So I tried this but it didn't work:
procedure TfrmTestSimple.OmniEventMonitorTaskTerminated(const task: IOmniTaskControl);
Task.Terminate(1); // I also tried: Task.Terminate(0);
Task.Comm.Reader.Empty; // Task.Comm.OtherEndpoint.Reader.Empty; didn't work either
Task.Comm.Writer.Empty; // Task.Comm.OtherEndpoint.Writer.Empty; didn't work either
Any advice on how to empty the queue and avoid this exception?
I know that some may say that such a large number of tasks in queue is ridiculous, suffice to say it's neither a hypothetical question nor it's in the scope of my question to tell me to redesign my application, at this point I just need to know the limit of the queuing system in OTL and how to bypass this limitation.
Thanks in advance!
Well, this form post doesn't show how to empty OmniThreadLibrary ThreadPool queue, but it does show how to make a virtually unlimited waiting queue for OmniThreadLibrary (which is basically my goal):
Thanks for all the help that I've received here, you guys are awesome!