I have created a UserControl called InfoBox that acts like a fancy textblock (extra buttons etc). It works fine. I can use it in Blend like so:
<myNS:InfoBox Text="Some Text"/>
where 'Text' is a dependency property:
public static readonly DependencyProperty TextProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Text", typeof(string), typeof(InfoBox),
new UIPropertyMetadata(null,ValueChanged));
and handled like so:
private static void ValueChanged(DependencyObject dpo,
DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
((InfoBox)dpo).TextBlock.Text = (string)args.NewValue;
When I add the control in Blend, it shows up with its design-time sample text, until I specify Text="Something", in which case "Something" magically shows up in the designer. Perfect!
But now I want to pass more than text, I want to be able to use all the funky functionality you get inline with a textblock. Run, italic, etc...
Why does the following not work?
<Run Language="en-gb" Text="SampleSample"/><LineBreak/>
<Run Language="en-gb"/><LineBreak/>
<Run Language="en-gb" Text="MoreMoreMore"/>
public static readonly DependencyProperty ReferenceBlockProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("ReferenceBlock", typeof(TextBlock),
typeof(InfoBox), new UIPropertyMetadata(null, ReferenceBlockReceived));
private static void ReferenceBlockReceived(DependencyObject dpo,
DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
var textblock = (TextBlock)args.NewValue;
if (textblock != null)
The TextBlock received by the handler is completely empty for some reason. I appreciate any help. This WPF stuff is tough!
Unfortunately it's not so simple. TextBlock
supports elements of type Run through a dependency property called Inlines along with a couple of interfaces. It would be possible but difficult to reproduce this behaviour in your fancy text box.
I recommend you download Jetbrain's free decompiler DotPeek which will allow you to study the implementation of TextBlock for an idea of what's required.