I'm trying to use CONTEXT_INFO
to pass a usercode from a stored procedure into a DELETE trigger for table auditing purposes.
It all works fine, however I noticed that the length of the usercode saved in the audit table was not correct.
Take this script as an example...
declare @userCode varchar(50)
set @userCode = 'TestUser'
declare @binary_userCode varbinary(128)
set @binary_userCode = cast(@userCode as varbinary(128))
set CONTEXT_INFO @binary_userCode
declare @temp_userCode varchar(50)
set @temp_userCode = (select cast(CONTEXT_INFO() as varchar(50)))
--set @temp_userCode = rtrim(ltrim(@temp_userCode))
select @userCode, len(@userCode), @temp_userCode, len(@temp_userCode)
len(@userCode) = 8
len(@temp_userCode) = 50
Why is the @temp_userCode
variable coming back with a length of 50, and how can I trim it back to it's original length to store it correctly?
Further Information:
Running SQL Server 2005, however the solution needs to work in all versions 2005 onwards.
When assigned to CONTEXT_INFO
it gets padded out with null bytes 0x00
to 128 bytes in length and becomes 0x5465737455736572000000...
You can use
REPLACE(CAST(CONTEXT_INFO() AS varchar(128)) COLLATE Latin1_General_100_BIN ,