How can I maximize a child window that fits only the client area but not an entire parent window? I don't want that the child window disappears under a main menu or other controls of the parent window.
I have this code
procedure WMSIZE(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_SIZE;
procedure TForm2.WMSIZE(var Msg: TMessage);
if Msg.WParam = SIZE_MAXIMIZED then
ShowWindow(Handle, SW_RESTORE);
Left := 0;
Top := 0;
Width := Form1.ClientWidth - 4; // The BORDER
Height := Form1.ClientHeight - 4;
But it's not good enough. The window is actually not maximized. If to change SW_RESTORE
then the child window looks buggy.
Normally, the MDI main form's client space should be calculated automatically to the space without menu or bars, provided that those bars are aligned to an edge of the form.
When a bar or other controls are not aligned, then you indeed have to adjust yourself. Handle WM_NCCALCSIZE
to tell windows your form has deviating client rect dimensions.
Or take a look at NLDExtraMDIProps in which I catch WM_SYSCOMMAND
when WParam and $FFF0 = SC_MAXIMIZE
to adjust the size of a MDI child window. The component provides in a few extra properties like: BackgroundPicture, CleverMaximizing, ShowClientEdge and ShowScrollBars.