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How to limit mod_proxy_connect's host?

I wanna tunnel my ssh though port 80(listened by apache). mod_proxy & mod_proxy_connect provide me with AllowCONNECT directive, allowing me to use CONNECT host:22 HTTP/1.1 to connect to my ssh host. But the host following CONNECT is not limited, is there a solution?


  • I figured it out myself. Just to add a few lines in the

    apache2.2/modules/proxy/mod_proxy_connect.c +123

    char *allowed_hosts[] = { 
        "your host",
    int hosts_num = sizeof(allowed_hosts) / sizeof(allowed_hosts[0]);
    int k;
    for (k = 0; k < hosts_num; k++) {
        if (strncmp(uri.hostname, allowed_hosts[k], strlen(allowed_hosts[k])) == 0) {
    if (k == hosts_num) {
        return ap_proxyerror(r, HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY,
                             apr_pstrcat(p, "host not allowed for: ",
                                         uri.hostname, NULL));