I have input file as 02.mp3. I want to change it to mp3 file with some bit rate. While doing so, I want to preserve all the metadata plus the APIC, attached picture corresponding to image should also be transfered to the destionation file. I am using FFMPEG and i am using the following command...
ffmpeg -y -i 02.mp3 -id3v2_version 3 -ab 128000 -ss 0 -acodec libmp3lame -f mp3 -ac 2 -ar 44100 output.mp3
source file: 02.mp3 destination file : output.mp3.
But in destination file, i am not getting APIC(attached picture corresponding to 02.mp3).I am getting all other mp3 tags in output.mp3 except for APIC. How to get APIC in destinaton file as well?
You will need to patch your FFMPEG source to support support binary in metadata and rebuild. The patch is here: