I am trying to use the following functions defined in mpusbapi.h
HANDLE(*MPUSBOpen)(DWORD instance, //Input
PCHAR pVID_PID, //Input identifier
PCHAR pEP, //Input pipe
DWORD dwDir, //Input
DWORD dwReserved); //Input <Future Use>
DWORD(*MPUSBWrite)(HANDLE handle, //Input
PVOID pData, //Input
DWORD dwLen, //Input
PDWORD pLength, //Output
DWORD dwMilliseconds); //Input
When I use these in my test.cpp, it looks like;
PCHAR VidPid="vid_04d8&pid_fc5f";
BYTE bufData[3];
DWORD buflen=sizeof(bufData);
DWORD bufProcessed;
LACOutpipe=MPUSBOpen(0, //only one device connected, dont need to check for multiple
VidPid, //this is the device driver vid and pid
pipeName, //the pipe to write to?
MP_WRITE, //MP_WRITE is just 1
0); //not supported yet?
//now use LACOutpipe handle to write
cout<<MPUSBWRITE(LACOutpipe, //the handle to write to
bufData, //BYTE array with data to be sent
bufLen, //length of bufData
&bufProcessed, //bytes processed
10000) //10 second timeout
The console output is:
Press any key to continue...
MPUSBWrite returning 0 means that the write function failed. Error code 6 corresponds to ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE: The handle is invalid.
Anyone know why? I have a hunch it is the pipeName
but not sure how to check/fix this.
O.K. figured this out.
Incorrect declaration:
PCHAR VidPid= "vid_04d8&pid_fc5f";
DWORD pipeName="\\MCHP_EP1";
Correct declaration
char VidPid[]="vid_04d8&pid_fc5f";
char pipename[]="\\MCHP_EP1";
Note that for the Firgelli LAC Board, there is only endpoint 1 available for IN and OUT pipes.
I hope this solves some of the frustration problems that arise for anyone out there that has spent as much time as me trying to work around their lean documentation and no Visual C++ examples for the Firgelli LAC Board.