I have several message with properties set. Some of these contain numeric data, although I have made no attempt to declare this explicitly to ActiveMQ while sending the messages.
When I try to use arithmetic conditions, ie: <, >, <=, >= and family, I get an error. Is there any way to use arithmetic conditions using selectors via Stomp? I have already searched the web and only got the following hit on google: http://rubyforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=21378&group_id=1010&atid=3981
This issue seems to be on the table to be fixed with v1.1 of the STOMP protocol: http://stomp.codehaus.org/Stomp+v1.1+Ideas
I recommend you try out the ActiveMQ subproject called Apollo. It's a focused on having great STOMP support and does support numeric selectors see the docs