Is it bad to implement supertype and subtype to the entire data in a database? I need some advice on this before moving to this direction...
For instance,
I have these tables as objects and they are related,
table as the supertype
entity_id entity_type
1 page
2 page
3 user
4 user
5 image
6 image
user_id entity_id
1 3
2 4
page_id entity_id
1 1
2 2
image_id entity_id
1 5
2 6
here is the table to map images
table with entities
table because some images belong to certain page (maybe to blog posts, etc in the future),
entity_id image_id
1 1
1 2
so, I will insert a row into the entities
table when I have a page, an image, an user, etc to be created.
in the end of the day the rows in this tables will increase in a great numbers. so my worry is that can it cop with large numbers of rows? will this database gets slow and slower in time?
after all, are these a bad structure?
or maybe I am doing supertype/ subtype incorrectly?
I think the entity
should have these data only,
entity_id entity_type
1 page
2 page
unless I want to attach images to users, etc. then it should be like this,
entity_id entity_type
1 page
2 page
3 user
4 user
maybe I am wrong...
so this is the query how I find out how many images attached to the page id 1,
SELECT E.*, P.*, X.*,C.*
FROM entities E
LEFT JOIN pages P ON (P.entity_id = E.entity_id)
LEFT JOIN map_entities_images X ON (X.entity_id = E.entity_id)
LEFT JOIN images C ON (C.image_id = X.image_id)
WHERE P.page_id = 1
returns 2 images.
If all you need is to attach images to users and pages, I'm not sure a full-blown category (aka. "subclass", "subtype", "inheritance") hierarchy would be optimal.
Assuming pages/users can have multiple images, and any given image can be attached to multiple pages/users, and assuming you don't want to attach images to images, your model should probably look like this:
You could use category hierarchy to achieve similar result...
...but with so few subclasses I'd recommend against it (due potential maintainability and performance issues). On the other hand, if there is a potential for adding new subclasses in the future, this might actually be the right solution (ENTITY_IMAGE will automatically "cover" all these new subclasses, so you don't need to introduce a new "link" table for each and every one of them).
BTW, there are 3 major ways to implement the category hierarchy, each with its own set of tradeoffs.