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Wildcard lithium routing

I want to route something like this:

where everything after mycontroller is unknown. I dont know the path and i dont know any of the parameters. After routing the path and parameters should appear as one variable.

// route in routes.php
Router::connect('/mycontroller/*', 'Mycontroller::index');

// the index function of Mycontroller class
public function index($pathWithParameters) {
    print_r($pathWithParameters); // something like: 'hello/world?name=mewel&id=123

Is this possible?


  • Router::connect('/mycontroller/{:args}', 'Mycontroller::index');

    then, from your controller, check $this->request->params, and $this->request->query

    NB: you can use func_get_args() in your controller as well. Take a look to default PagesController for an example