In the ReportLab User Guide it says:
The script in reportlab/demos/colors demonstrates the different ways in which reportlab can set up and use colors. Try running the script and viewing the output document, colortest.pdf.
This shows different color spaces and a large selection of the colors which are named in the reportlab.lib.colors module.
When I installed the ReportLab site-package it created a folder called reportlab but the only sub-folders installed were fonts, graphics, lib, pdfbase, pdfgen and platypus but no demos.
Is the documentation in error or am I misunderstanding where to look for them?
Either way I'm keen to find a wider list of ReportLab's named colors rather than trying to guess which may be valid.
As commented by AlessMascherpa:
The demos are not distributed with the installable library but you can find them in the source code repository at
Alternatively, here are the named colors (color constants) available in ReportLab 2.5 which I found in C:\Python26\ArcGIS10.0\Lib\site-packages\reportlab\lib\
# color constants -- mostly from HTML standard
aliceblue = HexColor(0xF0F8FF)
antiquewhite = HexColor(0xFAEBD7)
aqua = HexColor(0x00FFFF)
aquamarine = HexColor(0x7FFFD4)
azure = HexColor(0xF0FFFF)
beige = HexColor(0xF5F5DC)
bisque = HexColor(0xFFE4C4)
black = HexColor(0x000000)
blanchedalmond = HexColor(0xFFEBCD)
blue = HexColor(0x0000FF)
blueviolet = HexColor(0x8A2BE2)
brown = HexColor(0xA52A2A)
burlywood = HexColor(0xDEB887)
cadetblue = HexColor(0x5F9EA0)
chartreuse = HexColor(0x7FFF00)
chocolate = HexColor(0xD2691E)
coral = HexColor(0xFF7F50)
cornflowerblue = cornflower = HexColor(0x6495ED)
cornsilk = HexColor(0xFFF8DC)
crimson = HexColor(0xDC143C)
cyan = HexColor(0x00FFFF)
darkblue = HexColor(0x00008B)
darkcyan = HexColor(0x008B8B)
darkgoldenrod = HexColor(0xB8860B)
darkgray = HexColor(0xA9A9A9)
darkgrey = darkgray
darkgreen = HexColor(0x006400)
darkkhaki = HexColor(0xBDB76B)
darkmagenta = HexColor(0x8B008B)
darkolivegreen = HexColor(0x556B2F)
darkorange = HexColor(0xFF8C00)
darkorchid = HexColor(0x9932CC)
darkred = HexColor(0x8B0000)
darksalmon = HexColor(0xE9967A)
darkseagreen = HexColor(0x8FBC8B)
darkslateblue = HexColor(0x483D8B)
darkslategray = HexColor(0x2F4F4F)
darkslategrey = darkslategray
darkturquoise = HexColor(0x00CED1)
darkviolet = HexColor(0x9400D3)
deeppink = HexColor(0xFF1493)
deepskyblue = HexColor(0x00BFFF)
dimgray = HexColor(0x696969)
dimgrey = dimgray
dodgerblue = HexColor(0x1E90FF)
firebrick = HexColor(0xB22222)
floralwhite = HexColor(0xFFFAF0)
forestgreen = HexColor(0x228B22)
fuchsia = HexColor(0xFF00FF)
gainsboro = HexColor(0xDCDCDC)
ghostwhite = HexColor(0xF8F8FF)
gold = HexColor(0xFFD700)
goldenrod = HexColor(0xDAA520)
gray = HexColor(0x808080)
grey = gray
green = HexColor(0x008000)
greenyellow = HexColor(0xADFF2F)
honeydew = HexColor(0xF0FFF0)
hotpink = HexColor(0xFF69B4)
indianred = HexColor(0xCD5C5C)
indigo = HexColor(0x4B0082)
ivory = HexColor(0xFFFFF0)
khaki = HexColor(0xF0E68C)
lavender = HexColor(0xE6E6FA)
lavenderblush = HexColor(0xFFF0F5)
lawngreen = HexColor(0x7CFC00)
lemonchiffon = HexColor(0xFFFACD)
lightblue = HexColor(0xADD8E6)
lightcoral = HexColor(0xF08080)
lightcyan = HexColor(0xE0FFFF)
lightgoldenrodyellow = HexColor(0xFAFAD2)
lightgreen = HexColor(0x90EE90)
lightgrey = HexColor(0xD3D3D3)
lightpink = HexColor(0xFFB6C1)
lightsalmon = HexColor(0xFFA07A)
lightseagreen = HexColor(0x20B2AA)
lightskyblue = HexColor(0x87CEFA)
lightslategray = HexColor(0x778899)
lightslategrey = lightslategray
lightsteelblue = HexColor(0xB0C4DE)
lightyellow = HexColor(0xFFFFE0)
lime = HexColor(0x00FF00)
limegreen = HexColor(0x32CD32)
linen = HexColor(0xFAF0E6)
magenta = HexColor(0xFF00FF)
maroon = HexColor(0x800000)
mediumaquamarine = HexColor(0x66CDAA)
mediumblue = HexColor(0x0000CD)
mediumorchid = HexColor(0xBA55D3)
mediumpurple = HexColor(0x9370DB)
mediumseagreen = HexColor(0x3CB371)
mediumslateblue = HexColor(0x7B68EE)
mediumspringgreen = HexColor(0x00FA9A)
mediumturquoise = HexColor(0x48D1CC)
mediumvioletred = HexColor(0xC71585)
midnightblue = HexColor(0x191970)
mintcream = HexColor(0xF5FFFA)
mistyrose = HexColor(0xFFE4E1)
moccasin = HexColor(0xFFE4B5)
navajowhite = HexColor(0xFFDEAD)
navy = HexColor(0x000080)
oldlace = HexColor(0xFDF5E6)
olive = HexColor(0x808000)
olivedrab = HexColor(0x6B8E23)
orange = HexColor(0xFFA500)
orangered = HexColor(0xFF4500)
orchid = HexColor(0xDA70D6)
palegoldenrod = HexColor(0xEEE8AA)
palegreen = HexColor(0x98FB98)
paleturquoise = HexColor(0xAFEEEE)
palevioletred = HexColor(0xDB7093)
papayawhip = HexColor(0xFFEFD5)
peachpuff = HexColor(0xFFDAB9)
peru = HexColor(0xCD853F)
pink = HexColor(0xFFC0CB)
plum = HexColor(0xDDA0DD)
powderblue = HexColor(0xB0E0E6)
purple = HexColor(0x800080)
red = HexColor(0xFF0000)
rosybrown = HexColor(0xBC8F8F)
royalblue = HexColor(0x4169E1)
saddlebrown = HexColor(0x8B4513)
salmon = HexColor(0xFA8072)
sandybrown = HexColor(0xF4A460)
seagreen = HexColor(0x2E8B57)
seashell = HexColor(0xFFF5EE)
sienna = HexColor(0xA0522D)
silver = HexColor(0xC0C0C0)
skyblue = HexColor(0x87CEEB)
slateblue = HexColor(0x6A5ACD)
slategray = HexColor(0x708090)
slategrey = slategray
snow = HexColor(0xFFFAFA)
springgreen = HexColor(0x00FF7F)
steelblue = HexColor(0x4682B4)
tan = HexColor(0xD2B48C)
teal = HexColor(0x008080)
thistle = HexColor(0xD8BFD8)
tomato = HexColor(0xFF6347)
turquoise = HexColor(0x40E0D0)
violet = HexColor(0xEE82EE)
wheat = HexColor(0xF5DEB3)
white = HexColor(0xFFFFFF)
whitesmoke = HexColor(0xF5F5F5)
yellow = HexColor(0xFFFF00)
yellowgreen = HexColor(0x9ACD32)