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BASH : mount usb drive on a non root user does not give rights to write to the drive

I am using the mount command in a script to mount a usb drive in Bash. I have turned off haldameon, and autofs so that the drive will not automount.

Everything works in Root and also if you run it in root then switch to the non-root account. However when coming from shutdown into the non-root account and then running the script the drive will mount but not allow write commands.

Here is some pseudo code:

turn off autofs, haldaemon insert drives manually into the computer run the mount try to write using the directory /mnt/

error permissions

Here is the turn off automount code.

#stop automounter
/etc/init.d/autofs stop 
#stop hal daemon, this is the hardware abstraction layer
/etc/init.d/haldaemon stop 

Here is the mount code:


    if grep -qs '/mnt/WHITE' /proc/mounts; then 
        echo "WHITE Mounted re-mounting Unnecessary" 
        #check if the directories are already there and remove if necessary
        if [ -d "/mnt/WHITE" ] ; then
            rmdir "/mnt/WHITE"

        #create directory and mount by label
        mkdir -p /mnt/WHITE
        mount -L WHITE /mnt/WHITE

        #check if the WHITE USB Drive is mounted to the correct directory
        if [ -d "/mnt/WHITE" ] ; then 
            #check if USB is mounted by location
            if grep -qs '/mnt/WHITE' /proc/mounts; then 
                echo "WHITE Mounted"
                echo $errorstatus_white_mount
                exit 1
            echo $errorstatus_white_mount
            exit 1

Here is the copy code that has the error:

echo "Copying Test Files to Drives"
cp $copyfile "/mnt/WHITE"
cp $copyfile "/mnt/GREEN"
cp $copyfile "/mnt/RED"
sleep 2

Also the commands for mount, /etc/init.d/autofs stop, /etc/init.d/haldaemon stop are in the sudoers file.

Thanks for the help with this permission mystery.


  • It might be that you're not passing some parameters in the mount/fstab. You could try explicitly passing options in your script like so;

    mount -L WHITE /mnt/WHITE -o rw

    which specifically gives it read/write permissions, or

    mount -L WHITE /mnt/WHITE -o rw,uid=test,gid=test

    which mounts with read/writes as well as making the device accessible for user:group test